Tuesday, May 31, 2011

30 Spoonfuls of Sugar

WOW! I knew that we, as Americans, consume too much added sugar but the amount is pretty amazing. Rachel Johnson, PhD, MPH, RD, of the University of Vermont, incoming chair of the American Heart Association’s nutrition committee, told a recent conference that Americans average 475 daily calories from added sugars. That is about 30 teaspoons a day (In comparison, the average was 22.5 teaspoons a day in 2009). If you look at the equivalent in pounds that is 49.5 pounds of added body weight if you are not burning off those calories from added sugar in just one year!!!!

This isn’t about the naturally occurring sugars in foods like fruit and milk either. These are sugars that are added to the food you eat everyday. Nutritionally, you don’t get anything out of them except extra calories! There are very few people that need these extra calories especially without any added nutritional benefit. As I think about it I can't help but sing "A spoonful of sugar" from Mary Poppins. My first thought is, maybe the song should be "a spoonful of sugar MAKES the medicine go down." If all of these added sugars are adding to our health risks...does that mean that we need to take more meds because of the added sugars?

The recommended max of added sugars (ideally we would have none) is only 6 teaspoons a day for women and 8 for men. So where is it all coming from? The main source of added sugar in the diet is usually from beverages...sodas, sweet tea, etc. But if you look carefully at the ingredient list, you will find added sugars in everything from bread to baked beans. To cut back on these added sugars...start being a detective and if you see any of these ingredients near the top of the list on the food label, think twice! Decide whether the added sugars are really worth it!

* Agave Nectar
* Barley Malt Syrup
* Corn sweetener
* Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids
* Dehydrated Cane Juice
* Dextrin
* Dextrose
* Fructose
* Fruit juice concentrate
* Glucose
* High-fructose corn syrup
* Honey
* Invert sugar
* Lactose
* Maltodextrin
* Malt syrup
* Maltose
* Maple syrup
* Molasses
* Raw sugar
* Rice Syrup
* Saccharose
* Sorghum or sorghum syrup
* Sucrose
* Syrup
* Treacle
* Turbinado Sugar
* Xylose

Friday, May 27, 2011

Want to have a baby?

I have two beautiful daughters and that is enough for me! I love my girls more than anything. But after two very difficult pregnancies ,I am happy with the family I have. For a lot of my friends, however, they are hoping to have their first child or second or third. Some interesting research was published today! While not conclusive, this research suggests that there may be a link between caffeine consumption and delayed conception.

This isn’t the first study either to link caffeine and infertility. Previous research showed the equivalent of 3 cups of coffee a day lowered your chance of conceiving by 27%. So if making a baby is your priority, it might be worth a shot to cut back on the caffeine.

Just an example of the caffeine in a cup of your typical homebrewed coffee is about 100-140 mg depending on how you make it...that would mean 300 mg from the 3 cups that were cited in the earlier studies. So look at what you drink and figure out if it will make a difference. While it may not be the answer, cutting your caffeine can't hurt!

Here is a link to a caffeine chart that might be helpful.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunshine & Long Island Iced Teas

Warm sunny afternoons make me long for the days of Long Island Iced Teas at the Cafe in State College. Even after 10 years, I can almost taste them on these gorgeous spring days. But, I have definitely learned my lesson. If I am going to have the iced tea, it will only be one! On average a long island iced tea (10 ounces) has anywhere between 600-1000 calories depending on the recipe. (Wow! Why didn’t I think of looking that up while I was working on my degree!)

Two of my other favorites are just as bad. A mudslide is going to end up being approximately 830 calories or more if served in the pretty glass with chocolate syrup. Guess that one will have to replace dinner. Even a margarita is going to be around 550 for 11 ounces. Ouch!

That doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy a cocktail or two without blowing my calorie budget. Here are a few tips to keep your calories in check while entertaining or celebrating this spring or summer. We’ll avoid the impact of real nutrition and just look at calories for now. Generally beer & wine are your best choices if you are trying to control your calories.

* Regular Beer (12 oz)....about 140 calories (could be more if you drink a darker beer)
* Light beer. (12 oz) ..anywhere from 55-110 if you include some of the ultra low carb beers
* Wine..75-105 depending on if it is dry or sweet

Then you have your spirits. The general rule of thumb is about 96 calories for the 1.5 ounce serving of any 80 proof alcohol. The serving will tell you 1 ounce, but most bartenders serve 1.5. The higher the proof the more the calories. That is just for the plain whiskey, rum, vodka, gin, etc. Be aware that many have added sugars too. You will get more calories in a spiced rum than you will in plain light rum. If it is a sweet liqueur, it will have more calories. The wedding staple peach schnapps will have 108 calories for the same 1.5 ounces. Twelve calories may not seem like a big deal. But if you have multiple drinks, the extra calories add up quickly.

That may not seem too bad, but the mixers are what will get you in trouble with a cocktail. To keep the calories lower, you can try diet soda or diet tonic. You can also use club soda. Adding club soda to white wine to make a spritzer or mixing with a flavored vodka can be a great low cal option. Light cranberry juice, light orange juice, and light lemonade are more options that can help you to keep you calories lower.

Keep in mind that if you have the urge to rim you glass in sugar, chocolate, graham cracker crumbs, etc. , that can add a ton of calories quickly too.

The main goal should be to plan ahead and pick the drinks that will fit into your goals to keep you looking your best for your summer vacation. My personal goal will be to make sure that if I do have the cocktails, I do not want to eat the extra snacks that usually come with it.

So for today-- choose wisely, enjoy the sunshine and please don’t drink & drive!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Calendar

For all of my friends living in or visiting Fayette County and the surrounding areas, I added a calendar with upcoming health events. You will be able to find 5Ks, hikes, Wednesday Night Guided Walks, Health Fairs, Support Groups, Screenings, etc. If you know of any events let me know!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Keeping things Fun

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was going to expand my horizons and attempt to make exercise fun. My goal to try lots of new things or maybe attempt to do things that I used to do many moons ago. The weather hasn’t been extremely cooperative in Southwestern PA but that is a challenge everyone has to face.

So my first venture into something new...the hula hoop. I decided to join my 6 year old daughter in one of her favorite activities. We decided we would have a hula hoop challenge! So for about an hour, we took turns with the hula hoop. Of course, she won and did a victory dance to show it! But, I won too. I definitely felt it the next day. When I looked up the health benefits of using a hula hoop, I found that it was recently featured on Dr. Oz as a fun form of physical activity. To my surprise a hula hoop workout can burn approximately 600 calories an hour. There is also an increase in libido after a hula hoop workout so I am sure my husband will be encouraging this activity. The most important part of the workout was that it was fun and I was able to spend time with my kids instead of having to carve out time for a workout. I think adding hula hooping will become a permanent activity for this summer.

On to my next trial activity. I have been a big fan of Just Dance 2 as a workout for quite some time. Its another fun way to get some activity with my girls. This past weekend, I hosted a “girls night” for some family and we experimented with Country Dance for Wii. It was fun but it was pretty tough. Even though I had been doing Just Dance, the next morning I knew immediately that I used muscles that I haven’t used in quite some time. While I didn’t enjoy it as much as Just Dance, the music and moves were a nice change of pace and many of the songs were really quite a challenge. The game was definitely a great way to get some activity with a group of people. Plus, it is perfect for a rainy day.

My last try at something new was a Kettlebell workout. I got a new kettlebell with a Bob Harper training DVD. If you don’t know Bob Harper, he is one of the trainers of the Biggest Loser. Well with this workout I felt like I could be on the show (minus a few pounds of course). It was definitely a challenge. I would give it 4 ½ stars out of 5. Maybe that is just because I felt like if the people on the show can do this workout, I can too. Regardless, it felt great, I didn’t get bored, and I can definitely tell that I used different muscles because I am sore today.

At least you can’t say, I am in a rut. All 3 workouts were very different and they all have their place. Now to find something else to try. Let me know if you find anything that you enjoy. Maybe I’ll try it too!

Monday, May 16, 2011

What is in your fridge?

I opened my refrigerator with the goal of making a sandwich and it turned into a huge project. Why? Just before I put they olive oil mayo on my sandwich I noticed it has expired 6 months ago...ouch! I guess that shows how often we actually use mayo. It was then that I realized that it is time to go through everything and toss what is old and expired.

This is a real challenge for me, ever since I worked at the food bank, I hate to throw away food. But, in this case it had to be done. This is a great time of year to make sure you are up to date too. Many of those condiments that dwell in the fridge all year get pulled out just in time for a memorial day cookout.

Let’s start with the ketchup, if it is kept in the fridge (I know some people keep it out), it is good once opened for about 6 months, if it is older than that toss it. Mustard is o.k. for up to a year open in the fridge. BBQ sauce should be tossed after only 4 months, so think twice before you use last years bbq sauce on this years chicken. Mayo should be tossed within 2 months of opening--I guess I definitely made a food safety boo-boo. And those pickles should be tossed after two months as well. Of course, many of you will tell me that you ate ketchup after 3 years and it didn’t get sick and that may be true, but why risk it?

Now time to look at the salad dressing. The general rule of thumb is 3 months. Ouch another boo boo in my fridge. There were some dressing that I didn’t even remember buying. In that case, the rule of thumb is if you can’t remember when you put it in the fridge, throw it out. I love to try different dressings and I just tossed way too many, I guess its back to making my own dressings so that I don’t waste so much!

Then I started really thinking, all of these things that I just tossed in the trash aren’t really that good for me. While most of the fats were healthier choices, almost everything else was loaded with sodium or added sugars and I know better than that. For now, I am starting from scratch. Sometimes, when it comes to better nutrition that is exactly where you need to be.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Time to hit the Yard Sales

I'm cheating a little...this is something I just wrote for the Herald Standard but I figured I would share them as I write them here too!

It’s Yard Sale Season! It’s the time to hit the roads searching for your best bargain at flea markets, yard sales, garage sales, and church sponsored white elephant sales! Most of the time the treasures you seek are probably for decorations for your mantle, toys, and household items. This year, think differently. Look for treasures that put you on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

Gym memberships and gym equipment can be expensive if you buy them retail, but if you have the space, you can furnish a home gym with the equipment your neighbors don’t use anymore. Yard sales and Flea Markets are a great place to find stationary bicycles, treadmills, and ellipticals. You might find free weights or weight machines. Spend just one day at multiple yard sales and you are almost sure to find a piece of exercise equipment someone bought while watching an infomercial and never used.

If you like exercise videos, you will probably find even more treasures this yard sale season. Scouring yard sales for the latest fitness DVDs in a great way to find deals. DVDs are a great option for exercise but unfortunately, many people get bored quickly doing the same routine. By using yard sales as a way to build your collection, you can get the variety you need to stay healthy and motivated without the hefty price tag.

You can even find lost treasures to keep your family active. Be on the lookout for out fun like bicycles, roller skates, and golf clubs. Pick up baseball bats and gloves so that you can pull together a quick pick-up game for the entire family. Look for tennis rackets and learn to play. Tennis is a great way to be active and social at the same time.

Whether you are new to yard sale shopping or an old pro, take this opportunity to work on creating a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. Don’t forget the most important part is not just finding these great deals that can help you to lead an active lifestyle. The trick is using them. Look for yard sales and garage sales in the newspaper each week. Take advantage of community yard sales being held in many neighborhoods. The National Pike Festival is the perfect time to start with yard sales being held for miles along the National Road.. Take advantage of resources and events like these yard sales right in your back yard that can help you to become Healthy in your Hometown!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I was looking through the stores trying to decide on a good mother’s day gif t for my mom. Of course, there are books—her favorite, wine, candy, flowers, gift certificates but those are all so cliché. I started to think about what I could give my mom for mother’s day that she would truly appreciate.
The same day, my 6 year old had a nagging cough and my 3 year old was suffering horribly from allergies. I thought to myself “what I wouldn’t give for these kids to be healthy. “ That was it, the inspiration that I was looking for. While I can give my mom many gifts, taking care of myself and ensuring that I am healthy is the gift that she will appreciate the most.
My mom has watched me suffer through multiple shoulder injuries and surgeries. She suffered with me through two complicated pregnancies and stressed out when I was stressed from different jobs. That doesn’t even include the minor illnesses, etc. that have caused her to worry. No matter how old we get, our moms will always worry about if we are healthy. While I will most likely still buy my mom a gift, I want to give her the gift of my health because it will help her to be happy and healthy too.
So this mother’s day I am pledging to:
1. Get more sleep
2. Relax
3. Manage my stress
4. Exercise
5. Do my shoulder exercises
6. Get regular checkups & actually do what the dr.’s tell me to
7. Practice what I preach and eat right
8. Maintain a healthy weight
9. Spend time with my family
10. Spend time with my friends
11. Get outdoors and benefit from fresh air & get my Vitamin D
12. Drive safely
13. And anything else that will help me to stay healthy.

This is a special mother’s day gift because I think it will be special for my mom but it will also help me to be a better mom. If you are struggling what to get your mom for mother’s day think about what really matters to her and be creative. I’m sure she will appreciate it even more. Happy Mother’s Day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nutrition is More than just Weight Loss!

Usually, if a friend or family member asks me a question it has to do with weight loss. If my answer involves anything other than taking off a few pounds or my take on the latest diet craze they don’t want to hear it. After that, the discussion ends. It makes me sad in some ways. Nutrition is about so much more than weight. Even ”skinny” people can be missing out on important nutrients. What we eat has the power to impact our health in so many ways. What we eat can help to prevent (or at least delay the onset of) diseases like some cancers, heart disease and diabetes. Eating a variety of healthful foods can help promote healthy aging. It can keep you skin looking young and vibrant. Eating the right foods can keep your bones strong and help to prevent fractures (and I don’t just mean milk.) Choosing a variety of healthful foods can help you to maintain healthy vision and prevent problems like macular degeneration. The right variety of foods can strengthen your immune system and help you to prevent the recurring colds and illnesses. The nutrients in food can even protect your body from damage for external things like pollution, smoke, and even “junk food.” Getting the right nutrients can even help you to fight fatigue and that tired feeling that we all feel every so often. Nourishing your body the right way is key to a healthy life. But, most of us forget how powerful food can be.

The food you put in your body can also influence the impact of chronic diseases. Making healthful choices that are appropriate for different health conditions like diabetes, kidney disease and liver disease can help people to feel better, live longer and ultimately have a better quality of life.

Unfortunately for most people, the thought of eating to be healthy is a foreign concept. We eat because it tastes good. We eat for fun. We eat because we are bored. We eat because we are stressed. We eat out of habit. We DON’T eat because we want to lose weight. We assume that we have to make a choice to give up everything that we love about food for health.

Maybe people don’t want to hear what I have to say because they assume I am going to give them long list of all of their favorite foods to avoid. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Good nutrition is not about focusing on all of the foods that we “shouldn’t” eat. Instead, good nutrition is about focusing on all of the foods we should eat!