Saturday, July 30, 2011

An App for Ohiopyle and Other State Parks Too

I love visiting our local State Parks in Pennsylvania, especially Ohiopyle. After taking a few of the guided hikes with park naturalists, I like to take trails off the beaten path. Everyone hikes along ferncliff and near cucumber falls but there are trails all throughout the park. I always get a park map and the kids end up stealing it. 

Maybe I need to just use my phone. The PA DCNR just released a new app that helps you to navigate through the state parks.  There are two versions one free and one paid. They both have trail maps, the abililty to make reservations at the campgrounds, event schedules, etc.  Of course you could look those things up before you go, but if you are anything like me at all, you don't think about looking at if there are any events until you get there. 

If you upgrade to the paid feature you get to use the GPS mapping features,  there are GIS points of interest and I think my favorite is the friend finder feature that allows you to keep track of other people that you are hiking or biking with.  I think these features would be really cool especially if you explore one of the state forests instead of the busy state parks.  They would also be great if you have people hitting different trails due to "level of difficutly" or if some people head out on mountain bikes and others on foot.

If  you do download the paid app, the proceeds go to the PA Parks and Forest Foundation to support the state facilities.  I feel so fortunate to have these great places just a stones throw away from my backyard and this is a pretty easy way to support them!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Twinkie Dogs!

I was just looking at the nutritional value of foods you commonly eat at a fair or carnival. Of course I started with the usual  Funnel Cake, Deep Fried Oreos, Deep Fried Twinkies, Deep Fried Snickers, Gyros,  Hot Sausage Sandwiches, French Fries.  I had planned on sharing all of that info but I stumbled across a new fair favorite that has left me speechless.  The Twinkie Dog! Yes, you read that correctly. I thought it would be some clever desert with twinkie bun and banana as a hot dog similar to the banana dogs that they make on the Disney Channel but I was ever so wrong.

This Fair Favorite is actually exactly as its name states a hot dog that uses a twinkie as a bun.  Then it is deep fried. As I continued to research, I learned that often the hot dog is wrapped in Bacon, sometimes cheese whiz is added, or sometimes it is rolled in onions and peppers and then deep fried a second time.  For those a little more interested in health, there is also a version that uses a “veggie dog”. I’m just not quite sure I see a point in trying to offer a “healthier” option.

I didn’t calculate the calories and fat due to the many variations of this “food”. I did exam the ingredient list and found that this combination will definitely exceed your daily limit for chemicals and preservatives in less than 1 bite.

I am not sure if they will be offering this food at the fair in my hometown.  I’m guessing if they do, it will be a hit. I for one will not be eating one and I would recommend you make another choice or make sure you consult your doctor to have your blood pressure and cholesterol medication adjusted.

If you do try a Twinkie Dog or have tried one...Please let me know!

It houses circus freaks, temptation and the Fayette County Fair

Tonight marks the start of the Fayette County Fair. Of course, I always end up singing the Clarks and I can't get the lyrics from Cigarette out of my head. (The song is on itunes and amazon if you need a reminder)  While totally not the intention of the song, just the proximity of temptation and Fayette County Fair made me  think about all of the food temptations and what I could write about when I remembered a fun article that I wrote for the Herald Standard newspaper a few years ago.  I decided to post it. I'll share more thoughts on eating at the fair throughout the week.

It’s time for funnel cakes, fried dough, fried vegetables, candied apples, huge lemonades hot sausages, and everything on a stick! The Fayette County Fair offers many tempting treats for fairgoers.  These tempting treats, however, can quickly sabotage anyone’s efforts to eat healthy or keep off extra pounds. If you are at the fair, it is okay to indulge on one of these treats or maybe even two. Just don’t overdo it.  Believe it or not, there are ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle and still enjoy what the fair has to offer.

While many foods at the fair are high in fat and calories, the good news is that you can burn off the calories by walking through the fairgrounds.  Even a slow stroll through the exhibits for an hour can burn around 260 calories or enough to burn off a candied apple.  For those of you that are ambitious, walk through the fair grounds for 3 hours without stopping. You will burn off the calories in the irresistible funnel cake. Remember, those three hours will only burn off the calories from the funnel cake, not the drinks and other foods too. Another way to burn off some of the calories you consume at the fair is attending one of the shows in the indoor area or fiddler’s building. Don’t sit in your seat. Instead, dance for an hour to burn another 300 calories or more.

Another option might be to share your favorite treats with a friends and family. Sharing is a great way to limit portion sizes and help cut back on fat, calories and added sugars. If you want to try to find a healthy option at the fair, it is possible. Be sure to visit the churches and services clubs when making your food choices. Some of these popular fair vendors offer fruit cups, vegetables, and even sugar free desserts. Be on the look out for added fats, however. While some vegetables may be healthy, when they are fried, they are also high in fat an calories. Also be sure to drink water. It can be hot at the fair and the sodas and lemonades can add sugar and calories quickly.

If you forgo eating healthy or trying to burn calories at the fair, there are other ways to learn about living a healthy lifestyle throughout the fairgrounds. Look for exhibits on diabetes.  Have your blood pressure checked. There are even healthy cooking demonstrations almost everyday at the fair in the 4-H youth building that include family and kid friendly recipes. Other features in the youth building include health demonstrations that range from ethnic dances to ATV safety.  You can even learn gardening tips for growing fresh vegetables and bring the fair’s agricultural message to your own backyard. While you may not be healthy at the fair, you can learn tips that you can use to keep you healthy until next year.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back from the Beach

I just returned from a wonderful family vacation in Duck, NC. This year, my goal was to not overeat and stay active while I was at the beach.  We all talk a good game, but actually following through with a healthier vacation is easier said than done.

Despite the heat, I can say that I kept my pledge to stay active this year on vacation.  My secret was to try new things.  It is always easy to forget about your old routine.  But, trying new things on vacation keeps you feeling like you are on vacation.  We arrived on Sunday and by Monday night I was trying something new.  We kayaked through the maritime forests of the Outerbanks and learned a little something new.As the week went on, I went from kayaking in smooth waters off of the Currituck Sound to kayaking on the ocean.  I was lucky enough to see a Dolphin up close as it swam right underneath our kayak.  For me the kayaking was a huge triump. It was something new but I also something I never thought I would be able to do (I had shoulder surgery that I thought would limit my activities forever).

But that wasn't quite enough activity for a week.  I did the usual walk on the beach and we were in a great location where we could bike anywhere we needed to go.  We also jumped waves on Jet Skis and while I didn't think that would really be exercise, I was quite surprised.

I met my goals for the week. I did not gain a pound.  The lesson I learned -that most of you can use as well- is to make activity on your vacation fun.  If I would have stopped to go to the gym, I would have felt like I was missing something. I would not have enjoyed it-- but, I made that physical activity part of my vacation not something that took away from my vacation.

If you haven't taken your vacation yet this summer, try to plan at least one activity that will keep you moving. You may find that next time you will want to plan more!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Get Fit on Vacation? Or Stay Home?

Every year people look for a perfect vacation spot. I have a long list of the places I want to visit. I usually think about relaxation and laying on the beach.  This year, my goal isn't to put on anyway and to try something new as far as physical activity is concerned. I decided on a Kayak tour. I had been wanting to try it for quite a while and I figure this year is the perfect opportunity.

So as I make plans to travel to the beaches the Outer Banks in North Carolina and kayak the sound, I am reminded that it doesn't really take a vacation for me to try something new and get fit.  Philadelphia Magazine's Be Well Philly blog highlighted five great fitness based vacations.  One of them is right in my back yard.   Their recommendation: Learn to Kayak the Youghiogheny at Ohiopyle State Park with Wilderness Voyageurs.

Vacations are a great time to try something new. But don't make the mistake that I did.  Don't forget about the great resources that are in your community. Take advantage of new ways to get fit that will keep you interested and motivated.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pick Your Poison at the Street Fair

Last night, I had the pleasure of providing information on Diabetes to people at the St. Rita's Street Fair in Connellsville, PA.  I  sat at a table that was next to the ice cream, 15 feet from the fried dough, and directly around the corner from the funnel cakes and cheese fries.  I was working so  my brain was tuned into food and what the people around me were eating.

I arrived at 5:00 and my eyes zeroed in on a woman that was probably in her 30's.  I overheard her talking about her latest diet.  I noticed that she was eating cheese fries. I really didn't think twice, you are going to eat something that is less than perfect at a street fair.  A few minutes later, I noticed she was eating pierogies. After talking to a few people, she stood across from me eating manicotti. By 6:00 she had another bowl of pasta with a meatball. At 6:30 the same woman was eating fried dough. By 7:00 a slice of pizza and when I left at 8:00 she was standing in line for a hot sausage sandwhich.

I just cringed the entire night. Not because she made those choices but because of her tale about her latest diet.  It is easy to make choices that are less than nutritionally superior in settings like a street fair. We all make choices that might not be the healthiest.  I myself made a choice to eat 3 of the homemade pierogies. They were awesome!  It is ok to choose a "treat" food when you attend events like these but I would like to make a few suggestions.

1) While everything looks wonderful, first make a loop and see what all of your options are.  It may even take a few loops (plus the walking is an added benefit). 

2) Pick your poison.  While everything looks great, everyone has their one weakness. The one food that they really want to try. The food that if you don't get, you will be craving for weeks. Make that choice instead of trying to eat everything.

3) If you can't choose just one item, try to share with two or three people so that you can have a taste but are not overindulging.

4) If you do choose too many, don't let that sabotage you for the rest of your week.  The next morning go straight back to your routine of eating healthfully.

5) If you make an effort to narrow your choices and eat responsibly, you can eliminate the guilt that a lot of people, especially dieters, feel the next day.

I hope you enjoy you next trip to a street fair.  I also hope you enjoy whichever treat you choose. But most of all I hope you  pick your poison and enjoy just one!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cool as a Cucumber

Last night, I got the first of many fresh garden cucumbers and I am so excited. I love cucumbers fresh from the garden. Nutritionally speaking, they only have about 13 calories for a cup so even if I overindulge, it doesn't really matter.

On hot days like yesterday, those cucumbers will also help me to get enough water! Otherwise they have a decent amount of vitamin C. They will help me to get enough fiber to help my cholesterol and maintain healthy blood sugar levels too. That aside. I really just eat the summer cucumbers because I love them.

My favorite way to eat them is cut up with a fresh garden tomato, red onion, balsamic vinegar and a little olive oil. I also like to cut them up and add them to a pitcher of water with either lemons or limes. Its a refreshing drink on a hot summer day. If you are looking for some recipes to make with cucumbers visit for recipes that don't add too much fat & calories. If there is one that you really like, please be sure to share!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

No Food Left Behind

This past week a new report about the nation's obesity epidemic was released. The report F as in Fat, ranks the states by their obesity. My home state of Pennsylvania didn't fair very well coming in as the 19th heaviest state. My neighboring state of West Virginia (only a few miles from my home) came in as number 4.

Every news channel featured a news story about what is not working and why we as a nation are so fat. I even did a segment on a local dentist's radio show last week talking about some of those strategies. The fact is that despite the billion dollar weight loss industry, things continue to get worse. My favorite was the story that blamed the food label. I'm not sure that we actually use the food label to make food decisions as a nation. What I am sure of is that over time we are eating more. We eat on average 570 more calories per day today than Americans did in the 1970s and we are also less active. Regardless of which school of thought you buy into (low carb vs low fat, etc), we need to EAT LESS! Especially less processed foods and added sugars.

We leave NO FOOD LEFT BEHIND!! If it is put on our plates, we eat more. Research at my favorite University--Penn State!!!--showed that once you hit the age of 5, the more food that is on your plate the more you eat, regardless of how hungry you actually are. So here are a few tips to help cut down on what you are eating and drinking.

1) Cut your portions by 1/3-1/4. If you are really hungry you can go back for seconds but by leaving the food off of your plate in the first place you are less likely to eat it if you are full.

2) Practice leaving at least 2 bites of food on your plate. Your grandma won't yell. If you learn to eat less over time, there will be much more that can be shared with those who are hungry throughout the world.

3) Fill at least 1/2 of your plate with non-starchy veggies.

4) Eat before you are "starving". If you wait too long before you eat, you are much more likely to eat larger portions.

5) Use smaller plates. You have probably read that in 100 magazine articles but it does work. I have my grandmother's china and the difference in size between my plates and hers in amazing.

6) Learn to recognize the difference between hunger and thirst. This one is tough. One strategy is to try drinking a glass of water or two before you eat, especially a snack. You will be surprised how many times that you really just needed a drink.

I will continue to share more tips. But, I also want you to remember that eating less and eating healthy should be fun! I promised a few pictures of my creations that kept the healthy foods a little more fun from the Fourth of July! Here they are:

First I made a Patriotic Salad! I thought it turned out great!

I also made a watermelon fish, next time, I think I may try a Moose but it will be a challenge!

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Favorite New Recipe

Yesterday I spent the evening at a fabulous Margarita Spa party at my neighbor and good friend MP's house. With the Margarita theme, of course, I had to make something yummy and nutritious with a southwest theme. My choice was southwest chicken spring rolls (baked of course). They were such a hit, I thought I would share the recipe.

2 Chicken Breasts Cooked and Shredded
1 Can of Black Beans (Drained & Rinsed)
1/2 cup frozen corn
1 red onion, diced (use half if its a really big onion)
2 cloves garlic, chopped
A handful of chopped fresh parsley
1 cup of 2% milk mexican blend cheeses
1 tsp of chili powder
1 Tbsp cumin
Cayenne pepper to taste (use more if you like them spicy)
1 package of egg roll wrappers
Cooking Spray

Preheat the oven to 400. These are pretty easy to assemble. Mix everything together except for the egg roll wrappers. Position your egg roll wrapper like a diamond instead of a square with one corner towards you. Put the filling on the corner of the egg roll wrapper closest to you, wrap about half way. Tuck the corners in and roll the rest of the way. Use water to seal the other end of egg roll wrapper and lay seam side down on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. If you like them extra crispy, you can lightly spray the tops when you are done. Then bake them for 15 minutes turning them over after about 8 minutes.

If you have leftover filling, they made great Quesadillas in whole wheat tortillas for lunch!

I like to serve them with homemade salsa and homemade guacamole. They went perfect with the Margaritas too!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July! This weekend, most likely you will celebrate our Independence Day with Friends, Family, Fireworks and of course Food! While I could share the nutritional evils of saturated fats, trans fats, and high fructose corn syrup that you might be eating, I won’t because most likely I will eat a hot dog, potato salad, and drink a coke this weekend.

Despite my indulgence in “junk food” I will however, be sure to add some foods with nutritional value to the menu at the picnics I attend. My favorite summer foods to take are salads with lots of fresh veggies or fruit. It is perfect for a hot summer day. My obsession right now is watermelon. The great thing about watermelon is that it can be really fun. Everyone has seen the baskets cut from the watermelon filled with fruit salad but you can be even more creative.

I wish I had the talent to make some of the creations that I found on They all look great and like fun. Not to mention the creativity lures people straight to something that has nutritional value. My kids can not resist a watermelon that is carved to look like a shark! Most likely fruit will be one of the only healthy things I can convince them to eat this weekend so making it fun can only be an added bonus. The nutritional benefits are great too. Watermelon is high in vitamin A, vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent some cancers. It is also low in calories so it won’t add too much to the already high calorie meals we will be eating.

I’m not sure what I will make out of a watermelon, but I have to try to make something. I’ll post a picture next week. I’ve made a choice to find something healthy to add to the menu for our cookouts this weekend, think about what you might be able to bring that is a little healthier to all of the cookouts you are attending this weekend. It might be veggies, or fruit, it might just be making sure you have unsweetened iced tea and water available. Be creative! Have a Happy, Safe & Healthy Fourth of July!