Sunday, November 6, 2011

Make time!

Yesterday as I volunteered at the Diabetes Expo, I spoke with hundreds of people with diabetes and at risk.  I even talked to a mom of a 12 year old boy with pre-diabetes who was concerned about what to do for her son.  Despite knowing the risks, the statement made by nearly all of them when it comes to physical activity  was "we don't have time."

I don't know about you but if I know that adding 30 minutes of physical activity into my day I can prevent diabetes or its complications like kidney disease, neuropathy, or heart disease, I think I might at least try.  I know it isn't easy.  There are days that I think it is nearly impossible to fit in the time.

 I have a colleague that before talking about physical activity she asked patients to make a list of their favorite tv shows and how many they watch during the week.  I challenge you to do that.  Look at the shows you can't miss. Monday Night Football? Grey's?  Dancing with the Stars? Jersey Shore? Housewives?

If you have more than 150 minutes of TV time, you have more than enough time to fit in the physical activity that is recommended to prevent and manage diabetes.  Isn't 150 minutes a week worth it?

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