Friday, February 3, 2012

Ice Cream without the Guilt

This morning I had some bananas that were turning a little too brown.  That usually does not happen in my house.  I hate to waste them so I cut them up and put them in the freezer. You never know what you might be able to make with them.  I usually just throw them in a smoothie for AGL with some yogurt.

I had read something a few weeks ago about making ice cream out of frozen bananas in the food processor.  Of course I couldn't find the directions so I figured I would wing it.  I am so glad I did!!!! The result was an amazing tasting ice cream that both AGL & I loved and it didn't have any added saturated fat or added sugar.  The best part was AGL could help make it.

If you want to try our peanut butter banana ice cream, you don't need much--just a food processor.  Cut up your bananas and put them in the freezer.  Mine were only in the freezer for about an hour. I used two bananas. One for me and one for AGL.  Put the frozen bananas slices in the food processor. You don't need to add anything else.  Turn on your food processor until the bananas are mashed up to little pieces. Mine looked like the texture of smashed peas. Then stop and add about 1 TBSP of peanut butter for each banana you use. (I use natural peanut butter because I don't want the added sugar but you could use whatever you have.)  Turn the food processor back on and it will turn into a creamy texture just like ice cream.

FANTABULOUS!!! It was a creamy treat full of good nutrition without the guilt! It was a great treat and a great project to do with AGL.  I highly recommend it.  Next time, I might even add some cocoa powder :)

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