Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Recess isn't just for kids!

I can remember it like it was yesterday. The smells, the sounds, the people.  Recess was magical at Menallen Elementary School. . The saucers, the swings, and the dome in the middle of the playground made our playground one of the most envied of all those in the community at the time.  Playing kick-ball and four square was the highlight of many days.  The "older" kids even loved our playground and made it a point to come to play basketball in the evenings or on the weekends because the "rims were low" and they could dunk!

Unfortunately over the years, the magic of recess has faded.  The time for play has changed into time for work, commuting, shopping, cleaning and all of the other chores associated with taking care of kids and a house while working.

Today is Worldwide Recess Day.  It is a day to change that and take everyone, adults and kids included, back to a time where we would actually play.  The goal is to play for at least 10 minutes today.  Remember how fun it is!!! It makes you feel better mentally, socially, and physically.

If you can take 10 minutes at work, go outside with co-workers and walk and gossip like you did in school.  Grab a ball and play foursquare.  Take a hike if you have a longer amount of time.  Put together a game of kick ball this evening.  Stop at the driving range on your way home.  If you have kids, make it a point to play one of your favorite play ground games this evening with them.  Red Rover Anyone?  Play Freeze Tag! Pick up a basketball and play a game of HORSE. Make up a silly dance routine. Hula-hoop.  Set up an obstacle course. Do something fun!

Enjoy yourself today on Worldwide Recess Day! Don't stop today.  Make sure to make recess part of your life everyday.

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