Thursday, August 18, 2011

Confession of a Busy Mom

Some people make it look so easy.  I have been on the go non-stop this week.  Wake up, get to work, grab a snack, pick up AGL take her to my husband, head straight to cheerleading practice with my other child, grab a late dinner, collapse.  I am exhausted and I have a confession to make.---My exercise this week has disappeared.  

I am trying to figure out how to do it all.  Any time my routine changes, I go through an adjustment period where I “get off track”.  This time it happened very quickly.  The key is finding ways to make it work.  

This morning, I decided that one week of chaos is enough and I need to keep my health in mind.  I decided that I am going to figure out how to find some balance and not allow my health to get put at the bottom of my priorities.  So here are my solutions.

1) I will take at least a 15 minute walk at lunch.  Its not much but it should help.
2) I will grab some extra veggies at lunch, it is easy with all of the garden veggies right now but I need to make sure I eat more at lunch.
3) I will walk again during cheerleading practice for at least 30 minutes.  I may just be circling the parking lot but at least its exercise.
4) I will stretch when I get home.
5) I will not eat a full  big meal at 8:30.

Those solutions sound simple but it was important for me to write them down.  Everyone  gets “off track” every now and then.  Most of the time, the solutions are just as simple as mine.  The key is to write them down and commit to it.  In the past, almost every one of my patients complained that they didn’t have the time for exercise.  I always encourage them to be creative, find a way and commit to it.  Sometimes, I just need to take a step back and follow my own advice.  I hope that no matter how busy your life gets you do the same thing!

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