So yesterday I was at a meeting where a new health campaign was being discussed. Is is about exercise? Sort of. Healthy Eating...not really. Instead it involves something evil in every home and office...chairs and couches. Sitting seems to be linked to all sorts of health problems especially weight gain. I decided to look up some of the research and was really surprised. In some studies they were trying to determine why if people of the same weight and age eating exactly same calories some gain weight and some don't. They weren't allowed to do "exercise" and guess what they found out it was all about how long you were sitting.
Interestingly enough, over the last 30 years as our weights have skyrocketed exercise rates have changed little but we are sitting a lot more. On average 9.3 hours a day! That is more than we sleep!!! I think my favorite was the info established from Medical Coding and Billing. Check out their website if you want more info.
Trust me it's interesting. So today instead of sitting on your couch, sitting at the movies, sitting at a ball game, or even sitting in your yard, get up off your butt. It might be the best thing you can do for your health
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