Friday, December 30, 2011

A Healthy Treat IF You Want It To Be

I know it has been a while since I posted a new blog. Forgive me. Between the holidays and a new job, I just haven't made it a priority.  But today as I was putting away the Christmas gifts, I thought I would share one of my favorites.  Our Elf on the Shelf Buddy left a gift for EML that will without a doubt provide countless treats for both of my daughters.

This gift, a Zoku Quick Pop Maker, has quickly become one of the stars of Christmas.  So what is the quick pop maker? It is a must-have kitchen gadget that allows you to make popsicles from your own ingredients in 7 minutes! And you don't even need to plug it in.  You just keep it in the freezer and pour your ingredients in when you are ready for a treat.  Its a great way to make an appropriately portioned and healthy treat and EML can do it herself.  She just needs a little help to puree the fruit we are using to make the popsicle.  Of course my kids love fruit and they also love things like yogurt but we can make our own recipes using those two favorite ingredients without adding any extra sugar and have fantastic treats!!!  It is easy! It is fun! And it is allowing my girls to be creative.  

While I am not usually crazy about supporting  one specific product but this gift is one I would highly recommend. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

In Search of a Trophy Buck

Thanksgiving has passed. Shopping is started. A few Christmas decorations have made their way out of storage an onto display in my home. Before Christmas, however, another holiday must be celebrated in my family.  While I have never been hunting, celebrating the first day of deer season has been a tradition in my family for well over 50 years.
My dad hunting with his dad in 1967. 

My dad hunted with his dad and brothers, today my brother hunts with my dad and many other family members.  While they are hunting my mom always makes some sort of yummy soup or stew. Then, if someone gets a nice buck, everyone has to take a picture with it.  I love the pictures of me in my pajamas when I was little wearing fuzzy slippers with the dead deer. As a result of this long-standing family tradition, I have never thought twice about eating venison. It has always been a part of my diet. Fortunately for me, the venison is a better choice than beef as far as nutrition goes.

If you compare 3 ounces of lean beef vs 3 ounces of venison, the beef has 247 calories and the venison on average has 134! If you compare the fat. For that same 3 ounce portion, venison on average has 3 grams of fat and 1 gram of saturated fat. Beef trimmed of the fat, on the other hand, has 15 grams of fat and 6 grams of saturated fat!  The venison is also a better source of Iron, Vitamin B6 and Niacin.  All of these years, my parents were feeding me the healthier choice, mostly because of cost but also because my dad and brothers love spending the day immersed in nature seeking out a trophy buck.

To all of you who might be heading out into the woods on Monday, GOOD LUCK! Just promise me one thing if you get a deer, PLEASE get that thing in a refrigerator as quickly as possible. Cooling it to below 40 degrees is essential to keep that meat safe to eat! If you need some additional food safety tips, visit this link.  The forecast for Monday is 52 degrees, which is well within the danger zone for growing bacteria.  Take a few pictures to show your friends, get the deer in the fridge or at least on ice and skip the county-wide tour with the deer in your truck.  You'll thank me for helping you to prevent spoiling or food poisoning among your family and friends. 

Please be safe! Happy Hunting! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I always look back at what I have to be thankful for at Thanksgiving.  My first job after I finished school was providing nutrition counseling at Nemacolin Woodlands Spa.  Health was the priority for each and every one of my clients. But, working every weekend wasn't for me.  I left the luxury of the resort spa on a Saturday and moved to my next job on Monday morning...Nutrition Educator at the Fayette County Community Action Food Bank.  Wow what a difference, I went from working with people that spend $100 on dinner in one night to those who don't have $100 to spend on food for their family of 8 for a week. I am so thankful the opportunity to work in such an amazing place.  In today's world we might complain about people looking for handouts or trying to work the system.  The faces I saw at the food bank were much different. The faces of hunger are not what you would expect. I met a man with 6 kids working 3 part time jobs to try to make ends meet for his family.  He cried the first time he came for a food box because he did not want to have to take it. I spent countless hours working with senior citizens trying to help them to make the healthiest meals they could from the donated food in their boxes.  The worked their entire lives but were barely making ends meet due to rising costs of housing and healthcare.  They appreciated every item and even gave back when they could.  Working with each of these individuals made me realize how much I actually have to be thankful for.

I continued to work there and faced a tragedy when the food bank warehouse was flooded just days before Thanksgiving in 2003.  It was like a terrible nightmare that had come true. In the end the community rallied to help to make sure that families in need did not go hungry, especially during the holiday season and winter when families are faced with choosing between paying for food or heat for their homes. While I have moved on in my career, I always remember those faces and how much I have to be thankful for each year at this time.   I will never forget that flood or the community support to overcome the damage.

This morning I learned that just one day before Thanksgiving the food bank flooded again.  Damage was done to the building and thousands of pounds of food were lost, yet again.  I can only hope that once again people in my community will realize how much they have to be thankful for and give back to help these families in need as the food bank rebuilds.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Avoid the holiday weight gain

As I start planning some meals for the holidays, inevitably I started to think about of those goodies that tempt each and every one of us.  For this holiday season, set one goal.  Maintain DON'T GAIN. Some gyms and worksites even sponsor challenges to help you meet this goal. It is a simple strategy, weigh yourself this weekend and aim to keep your weight the same through January 2, 2012.

I'll give you some tips for avoiding the weight gain throughout the season but here are two that might really make a difference.

1) Weigh yourself frequently. I usually don't advocate daily weights but it can help you to stay aware of your intake through this season where many people gain weight.

2) Exercise in the morning.  A study published last year in the Journal of Physiology revealed that training in the morning before breakfast might be protective against the high fat and high calorie foods that we tend to eat more of during the holidays.  So set that alarm clock extra early and get in your workout and you might weigh the same on Jan 2 as you do today!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wine a Little

This weekend's plans include a spectacular and sparkling Wine Tasting for a milestone birthday celebration!  When it comes to celebrating, having a few glasses of one is one thing I don't feel guilty about.  

There are numerous benefits to wine as long as it is done in moderation. Here are 5 reasons wine fits into my healthy diet.

  1. Moderate wine drinkers have been shown to have a 30% lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Since it is Diabetes Awareness Month, I thought I would include this one first!
  2. Other studies show that moderate wine drinkers drop their risk of a stroke from blood-clots is 50% less than non-wine drinkers. 
  3. Moderate consumption of wine (especially red) cuts the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent.
  4. It will protect my cognitive function.  A study at Columbia demonstrated that brain function declines more rapidly in people that don't drink wine. 
  5. And to top it off , a recent study showed that over a period of thirteen years, women who consumed moderate amounts of red wine (one or two glasses) were 30 percent less likely to be overweight than non-wine-drinkers!

I'll drink to that!!!

PS If you want the referenes, I can share those too!

Friday, November 11, 2011

New Weight Management Strategy

I am taping a new episode of Meals in Minutes today.  I will definitely not be giving out this advice. I will however be making an awesome Harvest Baked Oatmeal. Be sure to check out next week and check it out. I'll post the link.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Unusual Symptoms

So last night I had a dream that I was standing on the stage performing what appeared to be a comedy routine to a packed house.  Except, even though the presentation was in the style of a comedian it really wasn't.  It went something like this....

Have you ever had some "unusual symptoms"?  Let me share what I mean.

Have you ever woken up, ate two eggs and a 2 pieces of toast, decided in 20 minutes you needed a bagel because you were still hungry, grabbed a cookie on your way to work because you were still hungry and continued to snack all day only to come home and eat an entire pizza because you were starving?  That type of uncontrollable hunger... Might be a sign you have Diabetes

Have you ever spent an entire day drinking anything you can get your hands on? One of those days where you feel like you are pretending to be Cosmo Cramer because not only are "these pretzels making me thirsty" so is everything else you are eating.  You drink water, iced tea, juice, pop, milk, beer, wine, only to think you are still thirsty...that uncontrollable thirst MIGHT BE A SIGN YOU HAVE DIABETES.

Now imagine you are travelling on a long distance trip and you have to stop at every rest stop along the way. You get to your destination and you spend the entire night getting up once an hour to run to the restroom.  You either drank way too many beers or that frequent urination MIGHT BE A SIGN YOU HAVE DIABETES.

Or it could be that you haven't changed a thing.  You haven't changed your diet and you are not exercising and in just one month the "Miracle you have been praying for " has been granted to you.  You have lost 10 pounds!  Or maybe its the opposite, you haven't changed a thing and at the end of the months you jeans don't fit anymore. Ugh.  These unexpected and unplanned weight changes MIGHT BE A SIGN YOU HAVE DIABETES.

Then today, you had a great night's sleep, but you keep drifting off to sleep while at your computer throughout the day.  It is a perfect day at work but by the time you get home you are so irritable you yell at everyone that comes in contact with you and you can barely keep your eyes open.  That extreme fatigue and irritability MIGHT BE A SIGN YOU HAVE DIABETES.

You get even more annoyed because you must have gotten something in your eye.  Your try to flush it out but your vision keeps getting blurrier and it isn't going away. That too, MIGHT BE A SIGN YOU HAVE DIABETES.

And you have to run to the store for more band-aids, clumsy you cut yourself while trying to separate frozen steaks but that cut just won't seem to heal.  Neither will the blister you got from those new shoes.  You go through more bandaids than CVS.  Well guess what.. if your cuts are slow to heal, it MIGHT BE A SIGN YOU HAVE DIABETES.

Unfortunately, many people don't have any of these signs or symptoms either.   If you have any of the symptoms please see your doctor.  The sooner you get treatment the better chances you have for avoiding long term complications.

I'm not sure why I dreamed I was talking to a crowd the same way a stand-up comedian would.  Diabetes is definitely not a laughing matter. It is a serious disease with serious complications.  By 2050, it is estimated that 1 in 3 people in the US will have diabetes.  It serves us all to learn more about this disease, how to prevent it, and how to manage it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Make time!

Yesterday as I volunteered at the Diabetes Expo, I spoke with hundreds of people with diabetes and at risk.  I even talked to a mom of a 12 year old boy with pre-diabetes who was concerned about what to do for her son.  Despite knowing the risks, the statement made by nearly all of them when it comes to physical activity  was "we don't have time."

I don't know about you but if I know that adding 30 minutes of physical activity into my day I can prevent diabetes or its complications like kidney disease, neuropathy, or heart disease, I think I might at least try.  I know it isn't easy.  There are days that I think it is nearly impossible to fit in the time.

 I have a colleague that before talking about physical activity she asked patients to make a list of their favorite tv shows and how many they watch during the week.  I challenge you to do that.  Look at the shows you can't miss. Monday Night Football? Grey's?  Dancing with the Stars? Jersey Shore? Housewives?

If you have more than 150 minutes of TV time, you have more than enough time to fit in the physical activity that is recommended to prevent and manage diabetes.  Isn't 150 minutes a week worth it?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Healthy 4 Life

I spent my afternoon setting up for a great event in Pittsburgh tomorrow.  Come and visit me at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center where I will be volunteering a the 2011 American Diabetes Association Diabetes/WTAE Healthy 4 Life Expo.  If you or anyone in your family has diabetes, its worth the trip down to the convention center.  Check out the schedule! 

I am spending my day in the Have Fun-Get Active! section.  I am lucky enough to kick of the day with one of the first presentations..."Wake up and Wii!"  Hey, I like going to the gym but it doesn't happen in the morning and I believe that is really the best time to work out. So I am going to ask everyone to play Wii with me and see if you can get a workout!  Maybe it isn't the best exercise but Zumba on the Wii can definitely get your heart rate up.  I think it is also a great example of some ways you can engage in physical activity with your kids.  We'll have the Kinect too but that wasn't as catchy as Wake up and Wii.

As I finish up, I am really excited to learn from one of the best Hoopers in the Burgh and I'm not talking about basketball.  The Steel City Hoop Union is going to do some instruction on hula-hooping and let you try this fun workout!!!

I am really excited about the DIVABETIC area and workshops this year too! Why you ask? Because it has a Golden Girls Theme!!! And who doesn't LOVE the Golden Girls?  There are cooking demos throughout the day for those of you that love food, family activities, and lots more! It is definitely worth checking out.

I'll be sure to share some of the info tomorrow!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Every 17 Seconds

Every 17 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes.  On top of that 1/3 of Americans that have Diabetes don't even know it.  It is a silent disease. You can't see it and you can go for years without feeling the symptoms.  Often times the symptoms come on so gradually that you don't really notice.  The majority of Americans are at risk.  This month of Diabetes Awareness month, I urge you to take the risk test. 

Taking the risk test is just the start. If you are at a high risk, first start by seeing your doctor to make sure that you don't have diabetes.  If you don't make a pledge to reduce your risk.  Lose some weight (as little as 7% of your body weight), get active (at least 150 minutes a week) and eat less fat.  Yes I said fat, the research actually says that eating less fat helps to prevent diabetes. I know you thought I was going to say carbs :)

For the rest of the month, I'll fill you in a little more on Diabetes. I promise, I'll do my best to make it fun!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Spooky Nights

Last night we visited my in-laws for an annual trick-or-treating and Halloween party.  I stuck to my word and supplied some veggies to keep something in the stomachs of my children that was healthy. They actually ate very little candy :) and my brain was a big hit. I used cauliflower and added some veins to make my brain that oozed with monster dip.  That would be a guacamole that I made with avocados, a little lime juice, tomatoes, red onion and cumin.  I was pleasantly surprised that on a night filled with more candy than kids need in an entire year all of the veggies were gone!!!

The oddly healthy twist to Halloween continued as Phil & I ventured into downtown Uniontown for a Haunted Walking Tour hosted by the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce. While it was definitley not a walk to get your heart rate up, it was a great chance for us to get in the Halloween Spirit and experience a few spooky thrills hearing the tales of ghosts that haunt the Fayette County Courthouse, Jail, State Theater, City Streets, Cemeteries, Titlow Tavern and even the building that now is home to DiMarcos. It didn't take much effort and we were able to transform a holiday that usually leads to a pound or two of added weight into a great night that didn't make us "fall off the wagon," but still had all of the treats, tricks and frights that are Halloween.

You can add some fun to your spooky nights too!  While there aren't Haunted Walking Tours in Uniontown tonight, look at other communities, visit haunted hayrides, look at your local historical sites many of them are hosting ghost tours this weekend.  If you are one of my Fayette County friends, check out Nemacolin Castle in Brownsville, Allen's Haunted Hay Rides, Rich Farms or Haunted Hills Estates. 

If you are going to a Halloween party, try making my veggie brain with monster dip or something else creative to make sure that you can enjoy these Spooky Nights and not regret it the next time you step on the scale.

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011


For a dietitian, Halloween is one of those holidays where you just cringe.  At our local Halloween Parade this week, I heard a mother say "All this candy is great, now we don't have to stop and get the kids dinner!' I by no means turn into a Halloween Witch when it comes to Halloween Candy, but I do think that you need to set some limits and also to make sure that you don't skip the real food too!

I will admit getting my kids to eat real food before trick or treating is a little bit of a challenge but the Trick is to make that real food a Treat too.  You can try things like making a skeleton out of veggies and making the head a bowl of low fat dip.  I haven't decided but I think I will be making a "brain" out of cauliflower and filling it with monster dip (ok maybe it is my own version of guacamole but at least it has some nutrition).  You can make witch or monster fingers with grilled chicken strips with slivers of red bell pepper inserted into the tips to make the finger nails.  I even got a recipe that made mini-jack-o-lanterns out of oranges and filled them with fruit salad. Sometimes you just need to rename things to make it fun too! A great homemade tomato-based soup can easily be transformed into Vampire Blood Stew or something similar.  Be creative and don't forget to have fun with the healthier treats this Halloween too!

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Misleading Labels

This week when I was grocery shopping at a local discount grocery store, I stopped to read the labels on bread. I was in a store I don't usually shop in and they had different brands so I felt I should compare.  First I picked up the package for the Whole Grain bread that was with the "healthy breads" the ones the store groups together. It had the fancy label and highlighted that the bread was whole grain. I will say it looked good :) I read the label and each slice was 100 calories with 3 grams of fiber. It was the "best" of the healthy breads in this discount grocery store so I tossed it in my cart.

I walked down a few feet and saw that hiding among the rest of the bread was another loaf of whole grain bread.  It's package didn't differ from the white bread except for a very small 100% whole wheat on the top.  I figured I should read the label just to see what this store had to offer.  The slices were a little smaller, the size of a regular bread pan not the wide pans that companies use to make whole grain bread.  I HATE when they do that.  So as I looked at the Nutrition Facts Panel, I found it only had 50 calories per slice and 2 grams of fiber.  So per calorie, I got more fiber and I could have two pieces for the same 100 calories.. I continued to compare the labels and found it had less sodium too! Then when I looked at the ingredient list I saw that sugar was lower on the ingredient list. SOLD!!!

Just behind me were two ladies shopping together.  One saw me reading the labels and watched me put down the "healthy package" loaf and pick up the other so she grabbed it too.  Her friend looked at the labels and insisted she by the Whole Grain loaf I originally had because it had more fiber. She put back the one she originally had and grabbed the loaf her friend suggested. I was tempted to turn around and try to educate them on reading the entire label not just one item but I did that once and ended up almost teaching a class in the middle of the store.

Companies will do what they need to do to sell you their product. Marketing and packaging are used to the product.  The food industry knows you want the fiber so they will highlight it on the package.  Remember, there is always more to the store and reading the entire label is the only way you will know which is the better choice.  Of course, it takes time to read all of those labels. But remember if you are buying mostly fresh and frozen fruits and veggies and lean meats, that doesn't leave too many things you have to read the labels on.  Plus you can remember you favorite brands. 

This past week the Institute of Medicine recommended a food rating system with criteria and standardized labels for packaging that would standardize the qualifications for labeling food as healthy and making the criteria the same across packaging.  It could be a great idea but I suspect it will not happen overnight due to conflicting views that will develop over what the criteria will be.  In the mean time, take the time to read the whole label.  If you have questions about it, just send me a message and I'll be glad to help :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

All the Flavors of Fall

When fall arrives, my menu seems to change a little. I love to add things like apples and pumpkin into my meals. Last night I updated an old favorite and made a great healthy brinner for my family.  (FYI Breakfast for Dinner=Brinner).  I added the flavors of fall to a breakfast staple that really upped the nutritional value too.  My menu was simple pumpkin pancakes topped with cinnamon apples and toasted walnuts or as I like to call it fall on a plate. 

The kids loved it, Phil loved it and the ultimate comfort food had much a lot more nutritional value that your traditional pancakes.  Adding the pumpkin added fiber and lots of beta-carotene.  I even added healthy omega-3's by topping with walnuts and got some great protein too.   I even got in a serving of fruit by adding the apples. Sometimes adding just a few ingredients can spice up a meal and make it more nutritious. Be creative and you can make nutritious food, delicious food.

PS.  Click here to view the recipe.  I switched out half of the flour with whole wheat flour, used canola oil instead of vegetable oil, used half the brown sugar, and just to save some money I used pumpkin pie spice instead of all the others, its the same thing anyway.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Here We Go Steelers

This past Sunday, I spent a wonderful day with Phil watching a fantabulous Pittsburgh Steelers' victory.  We started the game by visiting old friends and meeting some new ones at a traditional Pittsburgh Style tailgate.  While it had all of the important elements of a Pittsburgh Steeler tailgate, this one had something that many do not.  On the buffet table amidst the wings, dip, and potato chips, I saw healthy choices.  A low fat, bean and veggie loaded chili.  It didn't stop there either there was a great big bowl of fresh fruit and fresh veggies cut up. The choices weren't just sitting on the table either. People were grabbing those pieces of fruit and filling up on the veggies.  And I will add that our hosts did not know that I am a dietitian.

So many times we don't include the healthy options because we think everyone does not want them at events like football games.  Instead of assuming, if you would think about grabbing veggies or a piece of fruit yourself include them in your menu. You never know who else might want a better option. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Apple a Day

Every news website, tv channel and newspaper is remembering the legacy that is Steve Jobs.  The "creative genius and visionary" has influenced so much of our world. While everyone else will be talking about the technology and business sense, I would like to thank Steve Jobs for helping to create healthier and more fit people. You might laugh at that logic but in terms of health, the ipod, itunes, and perfectly created playlists are they key to a great workout for me and so many other people.  Without my ipod, I might only walk for 20 minutes instead of 40. I could not ride a stationary bike for more than 15 minutes without being bored.  Sure there were "walkmans" and portable CD players but the ipod has made it easier for all of us to find the music that will inspire and motivate us to continue with our workouts.  Steve Jobs vision allowed us to create a playlist that we can use to train for a marathon, a triathalon or just to walk our first mile.   Think about how difficult it was to carry that big portable CD player while you were running. It wasn't easy!

Take it a few steps further and the iphone has revolutionized the way that I can help people to change the way they eat and take care of their diabetes.  By using apps to track calories or count carbohydrates, people can easily make changes and on-the-spot decisions to live healthier lives. IPads are even used in medical centers across the country to teach patients how to lead healthier lives.   If used to its full potential, the technology and applications made available by apple can help each of us to live healthier lives; it can't do the work but it can make it easier and more enjoyable.  Like they always Apple a day keeps the doctor away.

RIP Steve Jobs

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Girls Night Out

I feel very fortunate that I have a bunch of girlfriends that make me laugh, listen to me complain and love to get together for a night out with just friends.  Not that I don't love my husband and my children but I think that a monthly night out with the girls is exactly what I need to stay healthy both mentally and physically.  We get together at least once a month for dinner and great conversation.  I will admit that it usually revolves around food but we usually pick a restaurant that allows us to make relatively healthy choices.

Regardless, it isn't always about the food. Sometimes it is mani-pedis, of course that is tough with a big group.  There are also spa nights or days at the spa. Of course that can get pricey but there are so many other things you can do. My friends have spent days navigating ropes courses, taking golf lessons, and running or walking 5Ks together.  A bunch of us actually plan to do a turkey trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning. You just need to take a few minutes to think and you can come up with a million things to do with your girlfriends that aren't all about food.

I will share that while I love to cook, that is the only thing that I do that is "domestic."  As a result, I am determined to use a few girls nights to learn a little more about sewing.  Many of my friends have been sewing together for quite some time. They get together to go to classes or just stay at home and work on making quilts. While I am pretty sure that I won't be quilting anytime soon, maybe I'll be able to at least make curtains for my bedroom. It doesn't have to be about sewing though.  You can get together and learn how to make different crafts or visit a craft center where you can all work on something different. Some florists will even host classes where they teach you how to arrange flowers. This is an easy activity you can even do at home for very little money.

There is always shopping excursions but anyone could think of that.  Instead think of outside the box things that you can do with your friends that don't revolve around food.  Think of taking a new exercise class hula hoop, belly dancing, or trapeze.  Set up a night at a local martial arts studio and learn some self defense moves.  Take a few lessons from the guys. Go to a sporting event like a pro of college football game. Heading to Penn State for a football game with my friends is one of my favorite girls' day out activities.  Spend the day canoeing or even white water rafting.  Take a kayak class.

This month, grab you friends and do something to get you in the Halloween spirit.  Get together and have a psychic party. Visit a local haunted house or take a haunted hayride.  Look for ghost tours in your community.  I know where I live there are tours of a haunted castle and even the City of Uniontown will share tales of ghosts that haunt local landmarks with walking tours through the city.  If you aren't into Halloween, grab your girlfriends and find a corn maze. 

Regardless of what you choose to do with your girlfriends, remember it doesn't always have to be about food.  Whatever you choose, those friendships are great for your health! Have fun!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More to help your Cold

Since I still have friends that are fighting a tough cold, I thought I would step back and write a little more on the immune system. The nutrient of the day is Zinc.  Zinc is a mineral that if found primarily in foods like oysters, red meats, poultry and some other shell fish.  You can also get zinc from whole grains and legumes but it is not absorbed as easily because the phytates in those foods bind the zinc and make it less available.  These foods are still good sources but you have to make up for the bioavailability.  Coffee will decrease the absoprtion too so keep that in mind.

From an immune system standpoint, zinc has several roles. Instead of boring you with biochemistry that fascinates me I'll share the outcomes.  Multiple stuides suggest that Zinc probably, although not definitely, will reduce the symptoms and duration of a cold.  Most of the studies use lozenges taken every two hours. The catch is-- it only works if you start adding zinc within 48 hours of the onset of your symptoms.  But keep in mind that adding extra zinc before you have symptoms won't help you to prevent a cold. Some studies didn't produce these decreases in symptoms or length but overall in adults it probably works.

I will add that it also may be helpful if you have the flu. In elderly people adding zinc assisted in the cell mediated immune response but if you have had a flu shot, the zinc didn't really make a difference.

Just keep in mind that good nutrition and ensuring that you get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals is probably the most important.  One nutrient is not a quick fix.  You need all of the nutrients to be your healthiest.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Having Fun is about More Than Just FOOD

When it comes to eating healthy, sometimes the answer is not eating.  I do not in any way support skipping meals, but sometimes I think that we put too much emphasis on the food and not enough on the experiences and people we share them with.  We should be able to be a little more creative than to celebrate every single occasion with dinner at a different restaurant.  Of course the types of activities will really vary depending on who you are with.  I will start with my immediate family. That would be me, my loving husband and my two daughters.

When I posed the question to a few friends about what could we do as a family that doesn’t involve food, almost everyone suggested the Movies. Hello???  When was the last time you went to the movies and weren’t tempted by the smell of that buttery popcorn?  Not to mention, have you tried to get past the concessions at the movies with a 7 year-old.  I needed to be a little more creative in my search for things to do that don’t revolve around food.

Living in Southwestern Pennsylvania, I started with just looking out my window.  I found I was looking past the easiest place for my family to enjoy an afternoon or evening together. The natural resources are amazing in this area.  So as that goes we can head out to a million trails, enjoy the beauty of the waterfalls at Ohiopyle State Park.  Jump in the car and head to Deep Creek for the day. Head North to McConnells Mill State Park. There are more parks than you can shake a stick at.  The leaves are just starting to change and it is the perfect time to start exploring them.  But, then again you can only do so much hiking with a 3 year old right?

So I decided that we can visit Fort Neccessity,. a National Park Service Historic site with a museum and recreated fort from the French & Indian War. Its perfect because it even has a “historically-themed” playground. But obviously, one visit is enough for my kids.  So I started doing some more exploring.  
I found that we can set out to make our way through one of numerous corn mazes in the region. We can visit pumpkin patches. The kids love animals so we can also go to four different zoos that are within about an hour of my house.

My daughter suggested both roller skating and ice skating.  I remember back to the good ole days at Wheels of Eight roller rink. It was the staple of my elementary school social life.  We skated all the time!     I could skate backwards. I did really well at all of the games like the turtle races, red light green light and shoot the duck.  I remember those days like they were yesterday.  I could even tell you who couple-skated with who :)  So this suggestion brought back so many memories that it moved to the top of our “non-food” night out list.

I asked for more suggestions and wow did I get them. Ask the kids and they don’t focus on food like we do.  They suggested bowling, mini-golf, and shopping. I also got a list that included the Carnegie Science Center,  Childrens Museums in Pittsburgh and Johnstown. Museums of Natural History & Art, and that place with all of the plants which I assume means Phipps conservatory.  

I also then received a stack of pamphlets for random historical locations throughout the area that my daughter has been collecting.  She has an obsession with the displays that visitor’s bureaus put throughout the community for visitors to the area.  She also showed me a list  of places that she has found on google. She also informed me that game nights are a good option, she would like to have neighborhood kickball games and we can have a dance contest.  Then of course she reminded me that indoor water parks are a great option and are “only about 3 hours away.”  I’m not sure I am going to fall for that one but she has a good point.

I realized that I really underestimated the things that we can do as a family that aren’t all about food.  Maybe I was just being lazy and not motivated to be creative. It took a 7 year old to remind me that there are so many great places and things to do in our community and we are only considering what we can do in the fall. I am sure she will give me another list in the spring.  Right now we have enough to cover months worth of weekend family outings.  The only trick now is convincing her that we can not go while the Steelers are on.  

Of course these are all family things and sometimes adults need non-food social activities too.  You could easily pull from this list but I think that is another great topic for another day!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha

I am not one to stop at Starbucks often.  I hate drinking my calories. What a waste! I would usually rather have the food and the $4 that I would spend on the coffee. But, I have heard so much about the Salted Caramel Mocha that I absolutely had to give it a  try. I think eating right is important but I am not the food police. I like a splurge just as much as anyone does.

For me, this splurge was well worth it!!! I had the grande with skim milk.  And I am totally ok with the 290 calories that I sipped slowly so I could enjoy every bit of it.  I would define this splurge as the perfect treat for a cool crisp fall morning.  It is worth the extra hour that I am going to have to walk this week and I accept that. So if you are tempted just like I am to enjoy a yummy dessert-like fall coffee treat, enjoy it! Just be sure to commit to adding the extra exercise or skipping something else to make up for those calories.

PS.  The same rule applies to the Pumpkin Spice Latte!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Raid your Pantry to Help your Cough

Well, even though I am feeling much better I can not beat this lingering cough at night.  I was taking a cough medicine but that has changed.  I decided to skip ahead on my immune systems blogs to share something in my pantry that might help the rest of you that are in the same boat.  I had know for quite some time that something as simple as Honey could be the answer. 

So I headed to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.  It is a source that gives the research of what is effective, what might not be, what might be but they can't prove it yet and any of the interactions you might expect between vitamins, herbs, food & over-the-counter and prescription drugs.  For my "natural health" friends, it is pretty accepting of many recommended "non-medical" strategies including many herbs and lists very little as ineffective but instead only lists that treatments lack sufficient evidence at this time.

So as for honey  I decided just to post the findings instead of summarizing.

"Clinical research shows that taking honey 2.5-10 mL (0.5-2 teaspoons) at bedtime can significantly reduce nighttime cough frequency and severity, and improve sleep compared to placebo in children ages 2 years and older with upper respiratory infections. Honey also appears to be at least as effective or more effective than the cough suppressant dextromethorphan in typical over-the-counter doses and the antihistamine diphenhydramine" 

Here is a reference for those of you who question that sort of thing...Paul IM, Beiler J, McMonagle A, et al. Effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and no treatment on nocturnal cough and sleep quality for coughing children and their parents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2007;161:1140-6.

If you are wondering how much to take,  generally it is half a teaspoon to 2 teaspoons.  The great thing about Honey is that it is pretty safe. It is not known to interact with medications, supplements, food or lab test results.  The only concern would be an allergy or possibly increases in blood sugar if you don't include the carbs in your meal plan. Also remember not to give honey to a child under the age of 2.  I would also recommend making sure that your honey is from the USA.

Of course, more research needs to be done. But, if you are coughing, give it a try! It has helped me :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Still working on my immune system-Vitamin C

I am one of those "people", people that read medical journals.  So as I am working on rebuilding my immune system, I wanted to see what the "research" actually says about Vitamin C. Vitamin C is the most know vitamin that we turn to when we get sick.  There is a lot of controversy over its effectiveness. 

So what I found is that it probably does work. Most of the studies show that taking vitamin C will help to decrease the duration of the common cold by 1-15 days. I will note there are a few that show that it didn't make a difference at all.  Interestingly, it might work better in children than in adults.  And the part I found most important is that several studies revealed that you are more likely to get results from Vitamin C foods than you are from supplements.  So instead of reaching for pills, let's make some healthy meals with high vitamin C foods.

Let's step outside of the box.  We can get Vitamin C from a lot more than Orange Juice!  Red & Green Hot Chili Peppers are a great source of Vitamin C.  You can also eat guava, bell peppers, leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kiwi, papaya & strawberries and get the same amount or even more Vitamin C than we get from oranges!

Extremely high doses don't work in a protective way to help your immune system prevent colds so don't waste your  money on taking mega doses when you aren't getting sick.  But make sure you are eating those Vitamin C foods.  This is one vitamin has some great research to support its role in preventing or managing at least 20 different common health problems including high blood pressure.

I will caution that Vitamin C research shows that it is most likely ineffective for Bronchitis, Alzheimers, Diabetes, Prostate Cancer, pancreatic cancer,  and stroke.  There are a bunch of conditions that there isn't really enough evidence either way too like allergies.

If you decide , you need to take mega doses, remember too much can cause GI distress and diarrhea. Also remember what I said about the Vitamin A. Vitamins can interact with medications so be sure to check with your pharmacist if you are going to take a supplement of Vitamin C.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Boosting my immune system: Vitamin A

I enjoyed recess day yesterday and had a blast playing soccer with my family in the yard last night.  Today, is a new story.  I have been fighting a respiratory infection for a few weeks and I really need to rebuild my immune system.  I don't normally get sick.  Now I know it is time to pay more attention to keeping my defenses up.  The school already has both kids and teachers out sick.  If I don't make an effort now to get all of us as healthy as possible, we could be in for a long school year.

For the most part, research shows that the starting point for a healthy immune system is the same for every other part of being healthy. 
  • Don't Smoke
  • Exercise
  • Eat Your Fruits & Veggies
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight (not to thin and not too heavy)
  • Manage your Blood Pressure
  • Get enough Sleep
Maybe that was overkill, but washing your hands frequently with soap and water is really the best defense.  Getting proper nutrition is another big component. There are so many nutrients that are important in building a healthy immune system.  I am going to do them one day at time so I am writing a blog entry instead of a book chapter.

The first nutrient Vitamin A.  Vitamin A is known for its role in immune function. The vitamin plays a role in infection and maintaining mucosal surfaces.  Specifically Vitamin A influences the action of some sub-types of T-cells, B-cells and cytokines.  (For my non-biology loving friends, those cells are big players in the immune system).  Many studies have shown that Vitamin A deficiency is associated with a decreased immune response. But, if your levels are normal the extra Vitamin A didn't really make a difference. As a result you do not need to take mega-doses of Vitamin A or the other pro-vitamin A substances like carotenoids. You just need to ensure that you get enough.

Looking at the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, I would definitely make sure you are getting enough to make sure you immune system in functioning well.  For specific conditions like Malaria and Measles, Vitamin A has been effective in reducing symptoms and complications. It probably is not the case with all illnesses but making sure you have enough is not a bad idea.

You can get Vitamin A from foods like liver and other animal-derived products including eggs, whole milk, butter, fortified margarine, meat, and oily saltwater fish in the form of Retinol.  You can also get vitamin A in another  form from freshwater fish.  Pro-vitamin A carotenoids like alpha-, beta-, and gamma-carotene and cryptoxanthin are found in yellow, orange and dark green fruits and vegetables.  Think carrots, spinach & sweet potatoes!

Of course you  might consider a supplement. Remember do not take both beta-carotene or another pro-vitamin A product and Vitamin A. The end result will be the same and you could end up taking double what you really need.  Also keep in mind the supplement can interact with others. 

Drugs that may be toxic to the liver probably should not be used with high doses of Vitamin A.  If you have to have your liver function tested because of a medication you are taking, be sure to talk to your pharmacist or healthcare provider before you take Vitamin A. 

You should avoid the supplements if you are taking  retinoids. These drugs include acitretin (Soriatane), bexarotene (Targretin), etretinate (Tegison), and isotretinoin (Accutane), tretinoin (Retin-A, Renova), and tazarotene (Avage).

I will also add that if you start taking Vitamin A and get a severe headache, you might be getting to much.  I remember a very long discussion in grad school  

I take a multi-vitamin with Vitamin A. But just to be sure, I am going to start with getting enough Vitamin A the simplest way. I am going to eat more spinach and add some of the other dark green, yellow and orange veggies and fruits to what I am already eating.  I am also going to make an effort to eat fish more often. Tomorrow, we will look at what else we need to add!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Recess isn't just for kids!

I can remember it like it was yesterday. The smells, the sounds, the people.  Recess was magical at Menallen Elementary School. . The saucers, the swings, and the dome in the middle of the playground made our playground one of the most envied of all those in the community at the time.  Playing kick-ball and four square was the highlight of many days.  The "older" kids even loved our playground and made it a point to come to play basketball in the evenings or on the weekends because the "rims were low" and they could dunk!

Unfortunately over the years, the magic of recess has faded.  The time for play has changed into time for work, commuting, shopping, cleaning and all of the other chores associated with taking care of kids and a house while working.

Today is Worldwide Recess Day.  It is a day to change that and take everyone, adults and kids included, back to a time where we would actually play.  The goal is to play for at least 10 minutes today.  Remember how fun it is!!! It makes you feel better mentally, socially, and physically.

If you can take 10 minutes at work, go outside with co-workers and walk and gossip like you did in school.  Grab a ball and play foursquare.  Take a hike if you have a longer amount of time.  Put together a game of kick ball this evening.  Stop at the driving range on your way home.  If you have kids, make it a point to play one of your favorite play ground games this evening with them.  Red Rover Anyone?  Play Freeze Tag! Pick up a basketball and play a game of HORSE. Make up a silly dance routine. Hula-hoop.  Set up an obstacle course. Do something fun!

Enjoy yourself today on Worldwide Recess Day! Don't stop today.  Make sure to make recess part of your life everyday.

Monday, September 12, 2011

No More Spongebob Squarepants

I have never been a fan of Spongbob Squarepants and I am not a fan of putting kids in front of the TV all day.  I will admit that I turn on the TV for the girls while I making dinner and in the morning while I am trying to get some things done.  I think kids watch way to much TV, mine included.  While it is on, I know my kids are also reading, drawing, playing dress up.  But I still know I should turn the TV off more often.  

This morning as I was drinking my coffee and eating my breakfast, I saw the news that will motivate me to make sure we turn that TV off.  The headline: "Spongebob Squarepants Causes Attention Problems" .  The results showed that in 4 year olds that after watching just nine minutes of Spongebob or similar slow paced cartoons, there were problems with short term attention and learning. 

The study was small with a sample of only 60 kids but it does not surprise me.  My youngest seems to zone out while the show is on. It is really hard to get her attention.  I think there will probably be a larger study with fewer flaws.  I had to chuckle at the response from Nickelodeon...the show is really for those kids 6-12 so the 4 year olds are not our target audience.  Hello??? Don't the realize kids have older brothers and sisters that might watch the same shows and of course the older sibling usually wins the battle when picking shows to watch.

If only 9 minutes caused problems, I have to wonder what a whole episode or a marathon of shows like that does to a child's attention and ability to learn. Instead of letting the kids watch, turn off the TV! Get up, go outside and play with your kids.  You will both benefit from the activity and time together.  I know that is what I will be doing!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How about an extra $300 a month?

An extra $300 a month...well maybe, the national average ranges anywhere from $150-$600 a month depending on the city. Where is this money coming from? It is the amount the average US household spends on eating out! While I am not spending anywhere near $300 a month, I have decided that like a lot working parents, I do fall back on takeout way too often.  I am most guilty of grabbing a pizza or indulging Lizzie in her frequent requests for the Boston Beanery.

I am going to cut back. For me, the choice has more to do with nutrition. I'll be honest though. The savings will be great!  I'll be healthier too.  I am guessing my waistline will benefit as well.  Yes, I know you can make healthier choices when dining out but they still aren't the best choice. Even with the better choices there are some problems.

1) Portion sizes in restaurants are usually double or triple the calories that you really need.  Especially when it is PASTA or a baked potato that is nearly as big as your head.  Locally, I ordered chicken and got 3 chicken breasts.  Really??  I think it was served with a box of pasta!  And in my hometown, if you don't get a HUGE portion a lot of people don't think it is a good restaurant.

2) Vegetables are missing.  Sure you can get a salad but a lot of restaurants don't even have the option to get a vegetable unless it is potatoes or corn. Usually they have tons of added fat.

3) Whole grains are missing too.  There are very few restaurants where you can get whole grain bread.  Remember just because it says "wheat bread' doesn't mean it is whole grain. Most breads are made from wheat.

4) Even the "healthy" desserts add a lot to your calories.

I will admit that I am not completely giving up eating out but I am going to make an effort to cut back. Even cutting back one meal a month will mean I can save a few calories and buy and extra gift for Christmas this year!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Breaking News or Maybe Not

Today on all of the major news networks we are learning from a study in Lancet that people that are on Weight Watchers lose more weight than those that follow traditional doctor's advice.  I am not quite sure why this is even news. 

Have you been to the Dr. lately?  They are busy.  The majority of their advice boils down to "you need to lose weight".  You should eat less and move more.  Physicians do not have the time to discuss your lifestyle, food preferences, calorie goals, fiber goals, how to handle eating out, exericsing with 3 kids at home. They really don't have time to discuss any of it. Not to mention, most people don't see their physicians very often.  Add to it that most healthcare providers only have one class in nutrition that basically focuses on nutrients,what they do, and the deficiences.  For many physicians, they know why you need to lose the weight, they just don't know how to teach you.

Weight Watchers on the other hand makes you accountable. You have to "check in" with your progress weekly.  The social support and plans are also key. So is goal setting.  This is one of the key components to weight loss. 

I think it is great that research recognizes the needs for social support and follow up.  I am not sure that this study told us anything that we didn't already know.

Despite this great news, I do have a problem with Weight Watchers.  The social support is great, they promote fiber, exercise & goal setting. I love that part.  What I don't like is that people "go on" weight watchers and "go off".  The only way that we are going to make a  long term difference in our weight and our health is to make changes that we never "go off". Yes there are people that stick with the plan for a lifetime but I know a lot of people that "quit".  The next time you consider starting this plan that has been so recognized by our media lately, remember if health and a healthy weight is your goal, you have to stick with it for life.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Me vs. A Buffet

As a dietitian, I am very good at making sure that I get enough veggies,fruit, whole grains, lean protein, nuts, fiber.  All of the foods that are good for you.  The one thing that threatens my healthful diet is my social calendar.  I get so tempted to say “It’s a party. It’s ok to treat yourself.  Go ahead and eat as much of the chocolate chip cookie dip as you want.”  If your social calendar is anything like mine has been for the summer, however, that philosophy will turn a healthy diet into a  nightmare.  

You might think it’s ok to have a splurge day or cheat day on the weekend, but it can backfire.  For me the first few weeks of summer, I would do great during the week. But, I would add on all of the calories and fat and refined carbs that I cut out during the week on the weekend.  By the time  Monday rolled around I gained back every pound I lost during the week.  

Part of the problem is I have a weakness for “finger foods”.  It doesn’t matter what they are--appetizers, desserts, or even fruit and veggies trays. They are my favorite. I don’t even need the meal.  In the summer, every time I turn around they are on buffets at backyard BBQs tempting me.   Last night as I celebrated the end of summer/beginning of a new school year  with  Mr. & Mrs. P I vowed that I would not let those finger foods sabotage my efforts. Of course it was not easy. KM brought a treat too tempting to resist.  Chocolate Chip Cookie Dip---full of fat and sugar--but oh so delicious.  Of course, I could not turn it down!  

Despite that yummy dessert treat, I survived the evening without  overindulging.  I had a plan in place. First, I did not go starving.  I made sure that a few hours before the party, I had something to eat.  Next, I made a promise to myself that no matter what food lined the counters of Mrs. P’s kitchen, I would only eat 1 plate full. No SECONDS!!!   (If you are going to use this strategy, I will add that you need to limit the height on your plate as well, no stacking!!!) That one plate was my limit and it had to include my dessert treat.  You can triple or even quadruple your calories if you pick one plate for appetizers, entrees and sides and then a second plate for dessert if you are the type that likes to try them all! Even just a bite of multiple desserts can add up very quickly.

Before I filled that plate, I made sure that I knew what all of my choices were.  One mistake that most people make is they just start at one end and fill their plate.  Inevitably, you start eating, see someone’s plate and wonder where they got the cheesy potatoes then have to return for a second plate.  A great strategy is to know all of your options and decide what you absolutely have to have and what you can pass on.  I knew I was not passing up the dip but I also discovered there were strawberries and realized they would be the perfect choice for dipping!

I also promised myself that I would not stay in the kitchen.  Standing next to a buffet full of food, is the worst way to put a healthy diet in trouble. Without a doubt , you will end up eating more than you planned.  This worked especially well yesterday since the food was inside and we were outside :).  

I have really made the effort to figure out how to enjoy to foods I love and the company without sacrificing a healthy lifestyle. I just had to recognize my weaknesses and work at it.  You can dod it too!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Junk Food

Contrary to popular belief, I am not the "junk food police". I truly believe that you can find a way to include most foods as part of a healthy diet. Just this afternoon, I had a homemade sugar cookie with sprinkles and sugar that my girls made at Grandma's house.  I even made a homemade caramelized onion dip for chips for my family gathering this weekend.  I do however, try to limit how much junk food I eat.

My goal is to be healthy. I want to feel good. I want to be a good role model for my family.   When I eat too much junk, I feel terrible. I don't have as much energy. Sometimes it even impacts my mood and I obviously put on an extra few pounds.  I am also missing out on important nutrients that fuel my body and keep everything working as it should. It is hard on the blood vessels and puts me at risk for a long list of chronic diseases.  That doesn't mean that I don't love a piece of banana cake or my absolute favorite splurge, Pizza Wagon Pizza..

I try to keep track of those "junk food" parts of my diet and make sure they are not taking over.  In my last post, I mentioned my food journal that I use at least every other month to make sure I am on track.  For junk food, I try to use the 90/10 rule (inspired by a fellow PSU nutrition alum).  Basically, that means that 90 percent of the food I am eating should be healthy and the other 10% can be a splurge.  That allows me to enjoy those guilty pleasures like buffalo chicken dip or PCLs homemade chex mix but still take care of myself.  It is easy to see if I am on track when I write it down.  I can almost just count the food items and as long as I see that the majority fall into the fruits, veggies & lean proteins I know I am on track. If more than 1 out of every 10 things I write is "junk" , it is too much.  That is a trigger for me to dig deeper into my choices. At that point, I need to look at the amounts too.

I am human, foods do tempt me. I don't ever completely deny myself something. It isn't about willpower.  It is about knowing my limits. I have learned that sometimes satisfying the craving with a small amount can prevent me from a huge indulgence later.  So while maybe instead of eating a bag of bbq potato chips, I may just have a one or two. Most of the time it will do the trick.  Maybe instead of eating a bunch of cookies, I just have one cookie like I did today.  The key is to learn what will work for you to find balance between those splurges and the healthful choices.  I write it down. It keeps me honest. Try it; it may work for you too.


Monday, August 22, 2011

If you Bite it, Write it!

I’m not really sure which Dietitian  originated the saying but I repeat it over and over again. When I get myself into crazy weeks where I feel that my eating habits are starting to spiral out of control because of my schedule or if maybe I’ve gained a few pounds that I can’t seem to explain, I follow the advice. It’s simple. If you bite it, write it.

It is amazing how much just writing down what you eat can make a difference in both the nutritional value and the amount of the food you eat.  I have started my food journal again this week.  It is important for me to double check myself every now and then.  It is only fair that as a dietitian I follow my own advice.  Plus, if I have to write it down I definitely skip the extra  cheese on my sandwich or stay out of the cookie jar.  Just now for lunch, I opted for pineapple with my sandwich instead of the leftover bag of tortilla chips from our family get together this weekend because i didn’t want to write down chips!

It goes beyond that, I also write down who I am eating with.  I notice things.  I am more likely to have one extra margarita if I drink them with my neighbor :) and if I walk with the walking crew in my neighborhood I end up eating a homemade fruit & yogurt popsicle that adds 80 calories making my net calorie burn less than I had hoped.  I also keep track of my location.  I tend to eat more sweets if I visit my mother-in-laws house. If I eat at my mom’s house I definitely get my veggies but I love her cooking so I probably eat bigger portions too. I have also discovered that if I am entertaining at home, I eat less that if I go to a party or bbq at someone’s house.  I guess I am just busier!  For this concept to work, to learn from it, and use it to your benefit, you have to write everything. Even that little piece of chocolate that you find on your coworkers desk applies.

You can use a phone app or web based analysis to keep track if you want to use the info to determine calories, fat, carbs, fiber, etc.  For me, Pen and Paper and a Cute Notebook work best!  I can pick up trends and patterns and can quickly approximate if I am meeting my dietary needs.  I keep track of foods, portions, people& places.  I jot down the time too. Make sure you start with writing more. As go you, you can find out what will work best and what info you really need.

So if you are trying to slim down, improve your cholesterol, bring down your blood pressure, or just eat a little healthier maybe you should give it a try.  Repeat after me:  If you Bite it, Write it!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Get off the Couch, Your Life May Depend on It

So yesterday I was at a meeting where a new health campaign was being discussed.  Is is about exercise? Sort of. Healthy Eating...not really.  Instead it involves something evil in every home and office...chairs and couches.  Sitting seems to be linked to all sorts of health problems especially weight gain.  I decided to look up some of the research and was really surprised. In some studies they were trying to determine why if people of the same weight and age eating exactly same calories some gain weight and some don't.  They weren't allowed to do "exercise" and guess what they found out it was all about how long you were sitting.

Interestingly enough, over the last 30 years as our weights have skyrocketed exercise rates have changed little but we are sitting a lot more. On average 9.3 hours a day! That is more than we sleep!!!  I think my favorite was the info established from Medical Coding and Billing.  Check out their website if you want more info.

Trust me it's interesting.  So today instead of sitting on your couch, sitting at the movies, sitting at a ball game, or even sitting in your yard, get up off your butt. It might be the best thing you can do for your health

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Confession of a Busy Mom

Some people make it look so easy.  I have been on the go non-stop this week.  Wake up, get to work, grab a snack, pick up AGL take her to my husband, head straight to cheerleading practice with my other child, grab a late dinner, collapse.  I am exhausted and I have a confession to make.---My exercise this week has disappeared.  

I am trying to figure out how to do it all.  Any time my routine changes, I go through an adjustment period where I “get off track”.  This time it happened very quickly.  The key is finding ways to make it work.  

This morning, I decided that one week of chaos is enough and I need to keep my health in mind.  I decided that I am going to figure out how to find some balance and not allow my health to get put at the bottom of my priorities.  So here are my solutions.

1) I will take at least a 15 minute walk at lunch.  Its not much but it should help.
2) I will grab some extra veggies at lunch, it is easy with all of the garden veggies right now but I need to make sure I eat more at lunch.
3) I will walk again during cheerleading practice for at least 30 minutes.  I may just be circling the parking lot but at least its exercise.
4) I will stretch when I get home.
5) I will not eat a full  big meal at 8:30.

Those solutions sound simple but it was important for me to write them down.  Everyone  gets “off track” every now and then.  Most of the time, the solutions are just as simple as mine.  The key is to write them down and commit to it.  In the past, almost every one of my patients complained that they didn’t have the time for exercise.  I always encourage them to be creative, find a way and commit to it.  Sometimes, I just need to take a step back and follow my own advice.  I hope that no matter how busy your life gets you do the same thing!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Deep Fried Butter and Deep Fried Kool Aid

I usually don't post twice in one day but  my sister-in-law sent me a link to a new state fair treat that she knew I would love.  Two weeks ago I stumbled across a twinkie dog.  A hot dog in a twinkie deep fried.  I was sickened by the thought of eating it.  Today she sent me another one of those "nutrition no-nos"  Deep Fried Butter!!!!  The title of the news story she sent "Is this the worlds most fattening snack?"

For just two ounces of deep fried butter you get more than 400 calories and 45 grams of fat.  I would say that it wins out in the "this food may cause heart disease category". If I had to choose between a deep fried twinkie hot dog and deep fried battered butter however I think I will take the walking heart attack on a stick. Deep fried butter will melt into the batter that usually is a honey or cinnamon batter.  It probably does taste pretty good.  I still don't think I could eat the twinkie dog.

Another friend shared yet another deep fried creation that really had me puzzled--deep fried Kool-aid.  My first thought, was how do you deep fry a beverage? I got my answer. You mix it with flour and water and make it into dough and then you deep fry it.  I learned that in some places like Texas they are even deep frying beer.  They put the beer inside of a pocket of a pretzel-like dough and then deep fry it.  I don't know about you but I would rather have an ice cold beer instead of piping hot inside of a pretzel.

I am not one to say "never" eat something.  I usually teach that every food can fit.  With these foods, however, be sure it is something that you indulge in maybe once or twice a year.  Your heart and blood vessels with thank you for it!

Buffalo Chicken Dip

As usual this weekend we are headed to another summer BBQ. That inevitably means that I need to figure out what yummy recipe to take. PCL of course recommends his favorite...Buffalo Chicken Dip.  I will admit that I do like buffalo chicken dip but I like to try different things as well.  I thought maybe I do a quick nutrition analysis on this dip that everyone seems to love so much.  I sometimes feel guilty for giving people things that are less than nutritionally superior.

Let's just say that I really wish I hadn't done the analysis.  A small 1/4 cup serving (measure it out, level it off, it is a pretty small serving) is 284 CALORIES for the "regular version"!!!  That doesn't even include any chips!  One whole workout wasted on this little snack.  Add a small portion of Scoops, my favorite chips to have with wing dip, and you add another 140 calories for just 11 chips.  It might be ok if that was a meal. That isn't enough for for a meal and that is way too many calories for a snack!

So  when I usually make it I do use the 1/3 less fat version of cream cheese and I use lite ranch dressing but I can't bring myself to using lowfat cheese.  A rough estimate shows it cuts my calories per 1/4 cup to 160.  I still think its a lot  especially because we generally eat a slightly larger serving. And this is just a snack.

I think this weekend, I am going to try to find another snack to take.  I hope I can find one that people love just as much as the dip but with 1/2 the calories!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It all adds up

I have to admit that being a mom that works full time, my schedule gets crazy just like everyone else's.  Even though I am a Dietitian, I get tempted to just run through the drive thru or stop at Subway after I pick up my girls.  Most days, I am able to resist that temptation.  That doesn't mean it is always easy to get a nutritious meal on the table every day. I have learned how to "cheat " a little to get the most nutrition with the least effort in the least amount of time.

Today, that cheating involved sauteing up a bunch of fresh veggies from the farmer's market and adding them to whole wheat pasta and jarred sauce.  I admit, it might not be the best but just by adding those extra veggies, I have improved the nutritional quality. Of course, we will be having a salad too.

Sometimes it means chopping up a bunch of veggies and adding them to canned soups (I know the sodium is high but if you read the labels you can do a great job stocking your pantry with better choices.)

On occassion, it might even mean that I do stop and grab something quick at subway but then pair it with some fruit that I have at home.

The point is that while, its tough, there are some really quick and easy ways you can make your meals a little healthier.  Some might argue that you need to do it all at once but these little changes can make a big impact in the long run. Give it a try and make an effort to add something with more nutritional value to every meal you make!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

18 holes for Good Health

I will admit that on the rare occasions that I have had the opportunity to hit the links for a round of  golf that I really enjoyed it.  I will also admit that sometimes I hate Golf, only because there are some family things I would love to do on a Sunday and my husband would rather golf.

Despite my occasional disappointments, I am really glad that he does golf and wish that I could do it more often.  A study in Sweden looked at 300,000 golfers and it turns out that golfers are healthier. They have a five year longer life expectancy than nongolfers.  The impact is even greater on “blue collar” workers than those in white collar jobs. I guess that means I need to encourage my dad to golf more too!  The impact is also greater for those with lower handicaps.  Practice makes perfect and the lower stress from a great round helps to keep health risks lower. I might mention that taking a cart decreased the impact.  

Golfers spend more time outside which is beneficial for health and they get the great benefits of walking.  The health benefits go beyond that.  There are benefits to psychological health from the challenge of the game and the social aspect of golf benefits your mental health as well.  

Last year I took some lessons but I haven’t had the chance to use them this year. I think it is time for me to get some of the same health benefits as my husband.  

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Some people look forward to Christmas, others love when the kids go back to school. I on the other hand look forward to August.  I know its hot but to me its the most wonderful time of the year! I can get yummy, fresh, bright red, delicous garden tomatoes.  While some people might think my favorite food is cheese, Tomatoes picked fresh from the garden are my absolute favorite.

They have their nutrition benefits, low cal, high vitamin A, high Vitamin C and Potassium but that isn't why I eat them. I just love tomatoes and way you can make them.  I love the little cherry and grape tomatoes straight from the vine.  (OK I know I should wash them but I can't resist).  I love them cut up in the morning with eggs or in savory breakfast tart or strata. For lunch, I could eat tomato sandwiches for lunch or stuffed with a great tuna salad every day.  The season is so short that I need to get my fix in before it is over.  My dinner menus include tomatoes daily either as a salad, on pasta, on grilled pizzas, stuffed, roasted. any way I can think of.. I even love  a fresh chopped salsa made with the garden tomatoes as a snack.

I must not be the only one that is in Love with Garden Tomatoes either.  While I unfortunately can't go, I got some great ideas from an upcoming event in my community. Local Chef Joe Carei of Uniontown's Caileighs and Pasta Lorenza is preparing a Dinner in the Fields of Duda's Farms. Every course will feature tomatoes! (And corn but we aren't talking about that today).  I almost forgot about making a great gazpacho and now I have to find a good recipe for tomato jam!

I may need to marinate some or make some sauce too!  I know regardless of which recipe I pick, I will enjoy every bite. And as a bonus,  I don't really have to worry about gaining weight from my favorite summer treat and I'll get some nutritional benefit too!